Erico Motorsports in Denver is Colorado’s largest REV’IT! dealer.  Our apparel experts are excited to show you the attributes of the new REV’IT! Urban Collection.  The purpose of each garment is to provide all the comfort and protection you need cleverly disguised in fashionable outer shells.  These unique designs allow you to effortlessly blend into any urban environment. Each garment in these this collection is constructed using materials and technologies that have been extensively tested and approved for motorcycle use.   Erico’s team of professionals can make sure your gear fits (for both female and male riders) as well as guide you to gear designed for the way you ride.

If you are looking for that perfect commuter jacket, look no further than the REV’IT! Heritage Innovation Collection. These jackets are inspired by archetype motorcycle jacket designs. They can withstand the test of time, yet are equipped with all the modern-day technology such as  invisible CE-rated protectors,safety stitching, connection zippers and beautiful leathers and textiles. Erico Motorsport’s is Denver’s urban motorcycle dealer. Nobody appreciates the history and culture of riding gear better than us.  


Erico can fit you from top to bottom, including the most extensive selection of REV’IT! riding jeans available. These jeans are fashionable but also bring a significant contribution in terms of safety for both men and women.  They incorporate such features as comfortable seats, hip and knee protection and cordura denim.


An important piece of riding gear that people often forget about is gloves.  At Erico we understand the importance of protecting your hands from not only falls but also the elements.  A good glove can ensure a better grip and prevent numbness. At a minimum your gloves should have hardened knuckles, palm sliders, and double layers in impact areas.  And most importantly they need to fit “like a glove”. Stop by Erico today and try on gloves to determine which one is perfect for you.


Nothing is more uncomfortable that getting caught in the rain.  Everytime you ride, make sure you pack your rain gear and you will never find yourself left hung out to dry.  Whether you choose rain pants and a jacket or a full rain suit, there are a few things to think about when choosing your rain gear.  First make sure it can pack up into a convenient sack and that it also it also has reflective material; especially for riding at night in the rain.  At Erico we recommend the REV’IT! Cyclone 2 Rain Jacket.  It packs light, reflects bright and keeps you dry.  It’s everything you’re looking for in a rain jacket.  Not to mention it comes with matching pants!


Boots are the next item on your gear list.  Motorcycle boots need to provide protection from exhaust pipes, road debris,  extreme cold and other weather conditions. In addition, a well-made pair of boots can protect against foot and ankle injuries.  Erico’s selection of REV’IT! Boots offers many different styles of motorcycle-specific footwear that offer grip, stability and flexibility both on and off the bike.  Like any shoe purchase, it’s best to stop in and try on a few different pairs of boots and figure out which one fits best.  Our experts can show you the important aspects of a motorcycle boot such as reinforced toes and shaped ankle cups.

Whether you’re touring all day, off-roading, or riding in an urban environment, REV’IT! boots are designed to keep going as long and as far as your motorcycle takes you.


Finally, we saved the most important for last.  You will need a helmet.  Riding a motorcycle without a helmet poses a serious danger to the rider.  A motorcycle does not provide the structural protection that a car does to keep drivers safe.  Motorcyclists need to take extra precautions to protect their body. The most important place to start is by protecting your head.

The head and brain is most vulnerable to injury in a motorcycle accident. Statistics prove that drivers and passengers wearing helmets increase their chance of survival significantly over non-helmet wearers.  Erico’s apparel specialists are extensively trained and can show you a variety of choices depending on your preference to include full face helmets, dual sport, half shell helmets, modular helmets and open-face helmets.  By taking advantage of our years of experience, you will get the answers to your helmet questions such as:

What features do I need?

What is the safety rating of a particular helmet?

What size best fits my head’s size and shape?

What is available in my price range?

Erico carries helmets for many different riding styles and wallets.  We can show you anything from an Arai Vector 2 to a retro-styled Gringo.  Regardless of the style, we ensure the fit is right and that you are riding in a DOT approved helmet.  A helmet will be the most worthwhile investment you make when purchasing gear.

We look forward to not only helping you pick out your next bike or scooter, but we also look forward to ensuring you are safe, stylish and comfortable when you hit the open road.